3 Smart Ways to Maximize Your Political Direct Mail Timing
By Paul Bobnak | May 14, 2018

“Timing is everything,” the saying goes. And while it can be an important factor in some direct mail campaigns, it’s a crucial one in political direct mail.
Although parties and potential candidates are always fundraising with mail, that’s an activity directed at core supporters. Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) mail, though, really only becomes valuable when it’s deployed in the last few weeks before an election.
Here are some important political mail timing issues to keep in mind as you plan and run a powerful political campaign.
1. Watch Your Deadlines
Base supporters may be energized by an approaching election, but most voters don’t become involved until fairly late in the game. To avoid wasting money, and to also present a freshly-tuned message, mail no earlier than 90 days before an election.
Pay attention to all voter registration deadlines and requirements. People who have moved or been purged from voting rolls may be receptive to your candidate or message.
By the way, “election day” can be a misnomer. Some states allow early voting, either in-person or by mail, starting a few weeks before the official election day. And, because absentee and military ballots sometimes make a big difference in vote totals, you’ll want to know when those votes are due as well – and plan accordingly.
2. Know Your Drop Dates
The most important date to put in your calendar is each campaign’s drop date, that is, when it physically arrives at a USPS facility from your print provider. Barring a major hiccup, you can expect that the campaign will arrive in voter mailboxes within 2-5 days of the drop date.
By looking at Intelligent Mail barcode tracking data, you’ll know when your mail was delivered, and can then coordinate those efforts with other campaign activities, like live events, TV ad buys, and more.
3. Use USPS Tag 57
Affixing a red tag to a bulk campaign’s trays, bags, or pallets identifies the mail piece as a political campaign mailing. Candidates, their committees, and political parties are entitled to this special designation, as well as other groups like PACs, corporations, and non-profits. The tags can be attached by the printing company or supplied by the local USPS bulk mail center for the campaign’s in-house team to apply to the lot.
Now, in the last crucial days before an election, a political mailing is not one that the postal service wants sitting around undelivered. But be careful. Tag 57 is only intended to make the mailing more visible to USPS personnel as it is processed, not guarantee a faster delivery.
Ideas to Use
- USPS Tag 57 can only be used for campaign-related bulk mailings, not any other political outreach.
- Give your political mail extra visibility by using USPS Informed Delivery to reinforce your message and drive voters to your website.
- Some states allow same-day registration, so informing potential voters about this may make a difference in a close election.
- Reach out to us or call for help with your political direct mail campaigns and timing
Wrapping it up
In the right hands, political direct mail’s effectiveness can be improved by the best fundamental practices. Political campaigns must focus on the right audience and messaging, mail the most affordable and engaging formats, understand how to quickly get into the mailstream, and then, get voters to act.
At mailing.com, we have the political direct mail expertise to be part of your winning campaign team. Call or reach out to us to get started on the road to political campaign success.