4 Straight Forward Tips to Direct Mail Advertising
By Ashley Jorgensen | July 27, 2017

Direct mail advertising is back and more popular than ever. This means your company should be planning new and fresh ideas on how to make your direct mail advertising truly stick out in the mailbox. Here are four tips that will get your next campaign ready for your specific audience.
1. Determine your goals
Before you write or design an inch of your mailer, its crucial to examine your marketing goals for the year. Once you have the main list of your goals, you can determine which ones you intend to use direct mail to achieve. For example, if you want to use direct mail advertising alongside email, PPC, and Facebook retargeting then this step is crucial to helping you reach your marketing goals. Since understanding these goals can greatly influence when and what you mail, only after you have these goals clarified can you start to plan out your actual mail strategy.
2. Clarify your audience
Clarifying your audience is the second step and is an extremely important step. Once you have an understanding of your goals, you can start to define what type of people you need to reach to achieve them. Clearly outlining what type of people you want to connect with is critical for two reasons:
1) It’s important to know who these people are to know who to mail to
2) You need to understand what makes these people tick in order to write a message that will hit home to them.
Don’t assume everyone thinks like you do, if needed, take some time to talk to your existing customers to learn more about why they love you and what made them choose you in the first place.
Bonus: If you need a refresh on your direct mail planning, head over to simple but powerful direct mail planning starters.
3. Take your time
This tip may sound ominous, but it really isn’t, it is simply a reminder that when planning your direct mail campaign, it is important to take the time necessary to put it together. Throwing a message or mailer design together in a day probably isn’t going to produce the strongest piece. But taking your time to really refine your message and make sure the mailer design reinforces it can help make your mailing more successful.
4. Make an offer they can’t refuse
In the world of direct mail, your offer is everything. Once you know what your goal is and who exactly you are talking to, you need to find a way to marry those two pieces of information into an offer that leverages them and entices your prospect. Once you believe you have a great offer, you might want to test out different variations of it to ensure it really is performing as well as it can.
Remember, building a great direct mail campaign takes a lot of persistence and dedication, but these tips can help get you off to a strong start in the right direction.